Thursday, March 5, 2009

For one month, what could you live without?

While I was home sick, I got to sit down and watch Oprah. The show was Suze Orman: Can You Afford College, a Wedding, a Divorce? Suze sure knows how to dish out the tough love, especially when people are in denial about what they can truly afford. In an earlier show and again in this episode, Suze urged viewers to do three things:
  1. Don't buy anything for one day.
  2. Don't use your credit card for one week.
  3. Don't eat out for one month.
This got me thinking. What could you live without for an entire month? TV? For me, that one would be tough because I do love spending my Monday nights snuggled up to my husband watching Heroes. Eating out? Well, I could do it for about a week. But a whole month? Chocolate? O.K. Now that is just too far. What would be the hardest to give up? Could you do Suze's plan? I'd love to know your thoughts.

Keep it sweet,


  1. I've actually started trying to do more 'don't spend money today' exercises for myself, and it's pretty powerful to see how it can change the course of your day.

    Eating out I'm pretty much swearing off for a while, as my children are becoming THOSE children in restaurants. You know which ones they are.

    I'm actually contemplating giving up added sugar. Or maybe I should just label that 'desserts.' I have a major sweet tooth and having kids around and being at portrait parties doesn't help one bit!

  2. My friend Marcy had this to say, too:

    I saw that too. She usually annoys me, but it was really good. I can't believe that dad actually wants to still send his daughters to an expensive college when he clearly has no money for it!

  3. I like your blog.
