Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quotable Kids

How many times have you doubled over laughing at something your child said, then couldn't remember the exact wording when you were trying to tell your husband or your mother? I find it so frustrating that my mom brain won't record the very things that make this journey so enjoyable!
Now there's a book made specifically for remembering what my silly mind just can't hold onto. My Quotable Kid basically picks up where the baby book leaves off. It has a place for a picture (lest you forget even which kid you are writing about--just kidding) and then quote bubbles to write in.

Or you could do what some tech-savvy moms I know do, which is to start a Twitter account to record and share what your cuties say. You can even publish that--with Tweetbookz! I love, love, love this idea. I started a Twitter for my kids but haven't been good about keeping up with it. Now I have some motivation.

Here's what a book using my SweetSnaps Twitter account would look like. Seriously, I think I'm in love.
However you choose to do it, happy remembering! They change so fast, I know I want to hold on to as much of it as I can...


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